The room was originally the upper part of the farmyard of the rural portion of the building used for drying hay, hence its dialect name "Prèse". The wooden structure, mezzanine, roof and coverings make this room a small mountain farm, even the view gives this sensation.

La stanza in origine era la soffitta dell'abitazione per questo la sua denominazione dialettale "Sòmas". L'affaccio con due porte finestre ad Ovest sulla catena del ghiacciao Presena e l'abbaino a sud nel bagno verso il bosco di abeti portano la montagna nella stanza. La spaziosa camera è dotata di un divano letto e nell'ampio bagno ci si può fare una calda sauna.

Prèse Alte
The room was originally the top part of the rural part of the building used for drying rye and barley, which is why its dialect name "Prèse Alte" dominates the structure of the roof and a view towards the West on the Presena glacier chain and the dormer window to the north and east on the nearby roofs give the sense of belonging to rurality.